- Yoga Therapy Workshops and Drop-In Classes
Yoga With Deepak
Avnish Madan2023-07-31Having taken 3 courses with Deepak last year, I have new insights into my body. I am an active sportsperson, playing Tennis and Cricket as well has hiking regularly. When I first met Deepak, I was still recovering from sports injuries in my knees and left hip. The principles I learnt, in terms of creating space in joints, using arches of my feet, identifying energy lines in the body and the focus on integrity and connectivity accelerated my recovery. I no longer wear knee braces or sit out games due to pains and impingements. I was able to bring these practices into my active sports as well as my regular power yoga practice. Thank you Deepak, for the new insights and awareness.
Kalpa Gosrani2023-06-10I have done Deepaji’s workshop 3 times and have already committed to 2 more this year. Each time the understanding lands and integrates deeper. Through his workshops, I’ve improved the way I walk, lower back pain is a thing of the past, chronic neck pain reducing, and I have a better overall sense of where to put my attention in my practice. I will continue to recommend his course to anyone who wants to understand how to let the body lead the way and become aware of where the mind is dominating – not just being told to listen to the body as a concept, but being SHOWN, step-by-step, in detail, HOW to slow down and listen to what YOUR body is telling YOU, and how to respond to that in a way that is TRULY HEALING for you. Not only is he a knowledgeable and experienced asana teacher, but as an ex-sportsman, he has healed himself and now others through many injuries, and as a Naturopathic doctor, with a natural gift for energy healing, he has a wider lens through which he observes and senses every individual student and attends to each of your needs specifically. Deepakji is an excellent yoga teacher and an all-round brilliant human being to be around - you’ll see him practicing yoga off the mat, in the community, through charitable projects, and doting on his beautiful little daughter. Join his workshop and be inspired to cultivate a long lasting and deeply healing yoga practice for life.
Eduardo G.I.2023-06-08All in one. Very knowledgeable man with amazing vibe and custom teachings, custom made each person. Epic.
Achal Begdai2023-06-01Amazing learning experience for the body and self
Sophie Heldens2023-05-25I love Deepak's courses! I learned so much about the correct body alignment. Practicing it on the mat and applying it off the mat. It is with me every day. Thank you Deepak!
Ofer Plesser2023-05-13Having taken a few drop in lessons with Deepak some years ago, I decided to commit to the course. My intention was to heal my knees, which had been injured over many years of unconscious overuse with flat feet. I had been practicing Iyengar for about a year, but this course was a wholly different experience to any other yoga class I had ever taken. With Deepak's guidance I began to feel my awareness spread deeper into my body, spilling light on areas that I had never sensed before. It was very exciting to connect with myself in that way. My body was learning to release so much tension, energy that had been stuck for a long time, and to slowly and gently open and heal. For me the experience was so powerful and real that I decided to stay for two more courses. Before, at times it was difficult for me to walk 10 minutes, now I'm already able to go for full day treks with no injuries. I'm very grateful to have found this amazing teacher and friend and highly recommend to anyone that has a body to come and experience the magic for themselves :)
Laetizia Di Milta2023-05-11Deepak Ji is my master, I have injuries and chronical pain, I was studying actively yoga to heal my body and become a teacher who can help others to heal. But it was not really getting better… Till I met Deepak in 2019 in rishikesh. Life changing. Everything he was saying made so much sens to me and with my own previous experience. The most intelligent way of approaching yoga and life. He taught me so much and made me so aware of my posture, alignment movements and breath, but in such a subtle manner . I even invited him in Switzerland for a workshop and everybody loved him ! Grateful forever. Did 10 workshop with him and I will continue . I finally found my healing and my path as a teacher with his technic. Thank you my dear Teacher and friend Deepak Ji
pearl khan2023-05-11I consider Deepak as my Guru, an honour I have not given to anyone else in my 15 years of yoga journey. I studied with him for 10 months, and even got my Mom and partner to study with him. He taught me about breath, posture and "stable, comfortable asanas". I consider myself lucky to have found him and studied under him. Not only does he understand the body well, he is humble, and authentic - best qualities in a teacher. Respect always.
michiko morita2023-05-10ディーパク先生のヨガで、初めて「身体に宿る知性」と言うことがわかりました。 丁寧に身体と会話しながら、感覚を信頼して、身体が自らあるべき様に戻るのを観察する。マインドは身体をコントロールしなくて良いから、自ずと静かになっていく。一通りアーサナを勉強して、身体の自然(じねん)を磨きたい方におすすめです。 先生は13年間アイアンガーヨーガを真摯に学び、かつ事故で痛めた体を自身のヨーガで治したそうです。知識と経験からくる情報量は多く、またアーサナをパンチャコーシャの観点からも説明してくださるなど、とても勉強になりました。 加えてナチュロパシードクター、レイキマスターでもあるので、治療としてのヨーガを学ぶことも出来ます。
Who is it for?
Deepak’s method is fit for everybody and every body, no matter your age, prior experience with yoga or whether you are currently suffering from any injuries.

For those with injuries
Learn to awaken your body's natural capacity to heal and restore balance through therapeutic asana practice.

For new practitioners
Use various props to achieve proper alignment and build a strong foundation for injury free practice.

For seasoned practitioners
Deepen your practice through subtle alignment, breathing techniques and greater utilization of the five pranas.
- Sports related injuries
- Structural imbalances, scoliosis, flat feet
- Knee pain, torn meniscus
- Back pain
- Sciatica
- Migraines
- Stress
- Asthma
- Neck Pain
- Chronic Fatigue
- Digestive disorders
- Joint pain
- Hypertension
What makes the Method unique?
“Look for comfort, not for pain.”
Drawing it’s roots from classical Hatha Yoga and heavily influenced by Iyengar Yoga, Deepak’s method is unique in it’s accessibility, attention to detail and depth.
Rather than trying to achieve perfection by pushing the body past it’s limits with the power of the mind, this method invites the practitioners to quiet the mind and listen deeply to their bodies.
By using the body as the object of meditation we increase our faculty of self-awareness. This allows one to feel every part of one’s body and awaken it’s natural tendencies for self-healing and rejuvenation. We rest and breathe in the posture, releasing stored up tensions and resistance, and observe our body gently guiding us deeper into alignment.
Using connectivity and compactness we learn to feel the flow of energy through our bodies (Pancha Prana), bringing lightness to the postures and preventing injuries to our joints, tendons and ligaments.
Above all, the practice cultivates a feeling of ease, comfort and peace within our bodies (and minds), as we go about our life, on or off the mat. This sense of connectedness and flow starts to permeate and illuminate every aspect of our self, enhancing our aliveness and inviting joy into every moment.

sthira – Steady
sukham – Comfortable
The definition of an Asana as per Patanjali, is that it must be steady and comfortable.
Meet Your Teacher
Deepak is an expert teacher with over 20 years of experience in many styles of yoga, including Ashtanga Vinyasa, Hatha and Iyengar.
After suffering an accident, he began to adapt the practices to promote his recovery. Slowly, through many years of practice, meditation and experimentation, he was able to heal himself. In the process, a powerful therapeutic technique was refined.
Today, his deep knowledge of yoga and of the body has helped him to guide hundreds of students to overcome their injuries.
He is an experienced Naturopathic doctor and Reiki Master, and provides therapy sessions and consultations.
Apart from his practice, he is also managing a registered animal welfare NGO offering veterinary care to the stray animals of Rishikesh.
Deepak is currently living, teaching and practicing in Mandrem Goa, India.

Yoga Therapy Workshops

For those looking to get established in the method and experience the benefits first hand. These in-person workshops give the solid foundation required for lifelong therapeutic and injury-free self practice.
Some of the things you will do include but are not limited to:
- Learn detailed instructions for every Asana
- Use various props (e.g. ropes, blankets, belts, blocks, chairs)
- Practice breathing techniques
- Experience Pancha Prana in Asana
- Perform restorative postures and sequences
- Achieve precise alignment in every posture
- Adopt correct sitting, standing and walking posture
- Master proper technique for handstands and elbow stands
- Attend optional Kriya or Ayurveda class
Past students have shared that through the practice they have experienced many benefits including:
- Improve the condition of injuries and reduce pain level
- Balance musculoskeletal imbalances
- Strengthen weak internal muscles
- Enhance body awareness and control
- Increase fluidity and ease of movement
- Boost flexibility, strength, balance and stamina
- Elevate energy and vitality
- Achieve more groundedness, ease and flow in everyday life
Read the testimonials to hear more!
Thursday – Tuesday
3 hours morning workshop class
Thursday – Monday
1.5 hours evening class (optional but highly recommended)
Some classes include short theoretical bites, but more often than not in this method, the theory is in the practice.
For example, you won’t need to know too much anatomy because you’ll learn to feel the internal structure of your body through the practice.
Additionally, workshop classes can be fatiguing. Your mind-body will have a lot of integration to do which requires proper rest. Lectures are not considered proper rest.
Accommodation is not included. It is recommended to arrive a few days earlier and book your stay.
Ask Deepak for restaurant recommendations 😋
The group size will be between 5-20 students.
In any case, every student will get personal corrections and instructions from the teacher.
Course fees are on a sliding scale as per your financial situation.
₹ 20,000 – 40,000
₹ 22,000 – 40,000
Scholarships are available for those who cannot afford to join the workshop. Contact Deepak for more details.

Drop-In Classes
If you would like to try out the practice before committing to a full workshop, feel free to drop in to any of the workshops evening classes.
Older students can also join online from anywhere in the world to maintain continuity of practice.
300₹ / Class

Private Classes
If you have a specific injury that you would like to work on, or, a particular goal like performing perfect handstands, Deepak will offer you guidance and help you build a program that works for you.
Private classes are available in-person or online.
2000₹ / Class

Healing Therapy
For those suffering from injuries or pain that prevents their participation in the workshops, therapy sessions can be highly beneficial.
In the sessions, Deepak combines multiple therapeutic techniques including Reiki, Acupressure, gentle adjustments, massage, energetic work and Naturopathic medicines.
2000₹ / Session

Testimonials 🥰
“I have done Deepaji’s workshop 3 times and have already committed to 2 more this year. Each time the understanding lands and integrates deeper. Through his workshops, I’ve improved the way I walk, lower back pain is a thing of the past, chronic neck pain reducing, and I have a better overall sense of where to put my attention in my practice.
I will continue to recommend his course to anyone who wants to understand how to let the body lead the way and become aware of where the mind is dominating – not just being told to listen to the body as a concept, but being SHOWN, step-by-step, in detail, HOW to slow down and listen to what YOUR body is telling YOU, and how to respond to that in a way that is TRULY HEALING for you.
Not only is he a knowledgeable and experienced asana teacher, but as an ex-sportsman, he has healed himself and now others through many injuries, and as a Naturopathic doctor, with a natural gift for energy healing, he has a wider lens through which he observes and senses every individual student and attends to each of your needs specifically.
Deepakji is an excellent yoga teacher and an all-round brilliant human being to be around – you’ll see him practicing yoga off the mat, in the community, through charitable projects, and doting on his beautiful little daughter.
Join his workshop and be inspired to cultivate a long lasting and deeply healing yoga practice for life.” – Kalpa Gosrani
Avnish Madan2023-07-31Having taken 3 courses with Deepak last year, I have new insights into my body. I am an active sportsperson, playing Tennis and Cricket as well has hiking regularly. When I first met Deepak, I was still recovering from sports injuries in my knees and left hip. The principles I learnt, in terms of creating space in joints, using arches of my feet, identifying energy lines in the body and the focus on integrity and connectivity accelerated my recovery. I no longer wear knee braces or sit out games due to pains and impingements. I was able to bring these practices into my active sports as well as my regular power yoga practice. Thank you Deepak, for the new insights and awareness.
Kalpa Gosrani2023-06-10I have done Deepaji’s workshop 3 times and have already committed to 2 more this year. Each time the understanding lands and integrates deeper. Through his workshops, I’ve improved the way I walk, lower back pain is a thing of the past, chronic neck pain reducing, and I have a better overall sense of where to put my attention in my practice. I will continue to recommend his course to anyone who wants to understand how to let the body lead the way and become aware of where the mind is dominating – not just being told to listen to the body as a concept, but being SHOWN, step-by-step, in detail, HOW to slow down and listen to what YOUR body is telling YOU, and how to respond to that in a way that is TRULY HEALING for you. Not only is he a knowledgeable and experienced asana teacher, but as an ex-sportsman, he has healed himself and now others through many injuries, and as a Naturopathic doctor, with a natural gift for energy healing, he has a wider lens through which he observes and senses every individual student and attends to each of your needs specifically. Deepakji is an excellent yoga teacher and an all-round brilliant human being to be around - you’ll see him practicing yoga off the mat, in the community, through charitable projects, and doting on his beautiful little daughter. Join his workshop and be inspired to cultivate a long lasting and deeply healing yoga practice for life.
Eduardo G.I.2023-06-08All in one. Very knowledgeable man with amazing vibe and custom teachings, custom made each person. Epic.
Achal Begdai2023-06-01Amazing learning experience for the body and self
Sophie Heldens2023-05-25I love Deepak's courses! I learned so much about the correct body alignment. Practicing it on the mat and applying it off the mat. It is with me every day. Thank you Deepak!
Ofer Plesser2023-05-13Having taken a few drop in lessons with Deepak some years ago, I decided to commit to the course. My intention was to heal my knees, which had been injured over many years of unconscious overuse with flat feet. I had been practicing Iyengar for about a year, but this course was a wholly different experience to any other yoga class I had ever taken. With Deepak's guidance I began to feel my awareness spread deeper into my body, spilling light on areas that I had never sensed before. It was very exciting to connect with myself in that way. My body was learning to release so much tension, energy that had been stuck for a long time, and to slowly and gently open and heal. For me the experience was so powerful and real that I decided to stay for two more courses. Before, at times it was difficult for me to walk 10 minutes, now I'm already able to go for full day treks with no injuries. I'm very grateful to have found this amazing teacher and friend and highly recommend to anyone that has a body to come and experience the magic for themselves :)
Laetizia Di Milta2023-05-11Deepak Ji is my master, I have injuries and chronical pain, I was studying actively yoga to heal my body and become a teacher who can help others to heal. But it was not really getting better… Till I met Deepak in 2019 in rishikesh. Life changing. Everything he was saying made so much sens to me and with my own previous experience. The most intelligent way of approaching yoga and life. He taught me so much and made me so aware of my posture, alignment movements and breath, but in such a subtle manner . I even invited him in Switzerland for a workshop and everybody loved him ! Grateful forever. Did 10 workshop with him and I will continue . I finally found my healing and my path as a teacher with his technic. Thank you my dear Teacher and friend Deepak Ji
pearl khan2023-05-11I consider Deepak as my Guru, an honour I have not given to anyone else in my 15 years of yoga journey. I studied with him for 10 months, and even got my Mom and partner to study with him. He taught me about breath, posture and "stable, comfortable asanas". I consider myself lucky to have found him and studied under him. Not only does he understand the body well, he is humble, and authentic - best qualities in a teacher. Respect always.
michiko morita2023-05-10ディーパク先生のヨガで、初めて「身体に宿る知性」と言うことがわかりました。 丁寧に身体と会話しながら、感覚を信頼して、身体が自らあるべき様に戻るのを観察する。マインドは身体をコントロールしなくて良いから、自ずと静かになっていく。一通りアーサナを勉強して、身体の自然(じねん)を磨きたい方におすすめです。 先生は13年間アイアンガーヨーガを真摯に学び、かつ事故で痛めた体を自身のヨーガで治したそうです。知識と経験からくる情報量は多く、またアーサナをパンチャコーシャの観点からも説明してくださるなど、とても勉強になりました。 加えてナチュロパシードクター、レイキマスターでもあるので、治療としてのヨーガを学ぶことも出来ます。
Get In Touch

For course registration, questions and consultations, drop Deepak a message on WhatsApp or call:

Stay in the loop!
Join the (quiet) WhatsApp group to get regular updates on upcoming course dates and locations, online offerings and the occasional Asan tips and instructions video.
When and Where?
GOA Course Dates
August 9 – 29
September 7 – 27
October 5 – 25
November 7 – 27
December 4 – 24
₹ 22,000 - 40,000* -
MP6M+XWJ Mandrem, Goa -
Morning - 6:30 - 9:30am (Wed off)
Evening - 4:00 - 5:30pm (Monday & Thursday)
* Course fees are on a sliding scale as per your financial situation. Scholarships are available for those who cannot afford to join the workshop. Contact Deepak for more details.
Top of the Scale:
You typically have your needs comfortably met and may have extra for leisure and savings, for example for travel.
Middle of the Scale:
You find it at times challenging to balance your needs and wants but generally manage.
Bottom of the Scale:
You often find it difficult to cover all your basic needs without financial assistance.
₹ 40,000 - 22,000* -
Nishant Garden Resort 4th floor, Upper Tapovan, Rishikesh, India. (next to Secret Garden Cafe) -
Morning - 7:00 - 10:00am
Evening - 5:00 - 6:30pm IST
Yoga With Shakti
Practice with Shakti, one of Deepak’s experienced students, in Rishikesh
15-19 April
22-26 April
+91 8950 822060
Workshop on alignment and breath awareness, in Tapovan, Rishikesh
4-8 April
+41 796 988 105